Why Everything You Know About Buying TV Advertising Just Changed!

By Mark Eberra M.A.

If you are a media buyer, marketer, or television advertiser everything you thought you knew about buying TV commercials just became obsolete. It all begins with the demise of the CPM and the inevitable rise of a revolutionary breakthrough called the GSI™.

Since it’s inception, the economic engine that runs television has been the TV Commercial which is sold on a cost per thousand viewers, or CPM.

Let’s take the iconic example of the Super Bowl, the most expensive advertising in television. You can pay over four million dollars for a single commercial, and the TV network airing the game will tell you more than 100 million people are watching.

In order to make a profit you would need to sell over four million dollars worth of products as a result of your commercial.

And we are talking about an increase in sales, not the normal four million or so you would have made that day anyway. Otherwise what’s the point of advertising?

Not in any other business would a company make an investment and not expect a greater return than what was put in.

Yet that is exactly what happens every time a business spends money on a TV commercial, based on a CPM or cost per thousand viewers.

Now the TV networks will say you are paying for exposure to viewers, but if you are not making a guaranteed increase in sales you might as well be throwing your money out the window.  Yes you might get a lot of attention with all those dollars floating in the air, but at the end of the day you will have people taking your money and no sales to show for it.

Yet companies are expected to spend 70 billion dollars on TV advertising in 2015, in the USA alone!

So what is a bottom-line-driven, results-oriented company that wants to make a profit on its TV advertising to do?

Introducing the GSI™, (Guaranteed Sales Increase.)

Quite simply, the GSI™ provides your company a guaranteed sales increase for everything you advertise on TV.

The GSI™ was invented by Mark Eberra, Founder,Chairman, and C.E.O. of One Billion Live Inc., the exclusive provider of the Guaranteed Sales lncrease, Algorithm, GSI™ ( US Pat Pending)

The GSI™ is the equivalent of E = mc 2 for the advertising world.

GSI™ = an explosion in massive sales and profits for the company that is fortunate enough to be granted the rights to its use.

Here is how to get started

STEP ONE: Ditch Your CPMs

In the old model of television, whenever you buy TV advertising your purchase price is based on what is called a Cost Per Thousand viewers, more commonly referred to as a CPM. In other words you pay for every 1,000 viewers you hope will be watching TV at the time your commercials run. That model has existed for over 60 years, and as everyone knows, that emperor has no clothes. The difference between a CPM and a GSI™ is the CPM costs, and the GSl™ pays. So stop buying CPMs right now.

STEP TWO: Get a GSI™ Everytime You Buy.

With the new GSl™ you can purchase television advertising with a Guaranteed Sales Increase, or what is known as a GSI™. With a GSI™ you receive a guaranteed increase in sales for everything you advertise on TV.

For example, if you advertise a cola product and want to see an increase in sales of one million units of cola during your national TV commercials, those sales are guaranteed. If you don’t make the increase of one million sales, your commercials run for free. No money up front and no risk to your business. Remember, no matter how big the game, program, or TV network is if they are selling you advertising without a GSI™ you might as well just give away all your money.


Q: How do you guarantee our sales increase?

A: Mark Eberra, of Magicneering™ Media invented an algorithm that can determine precisely how many sales will be made from a television commercial. For example, you may desire to increase your sales by a billion units a day. We will then input specific data that we obtain from you into our algorithm and the output will be the exact number of sales that can be guaranteed. Now it may be that based on the data you provided we can only guarantee an increase of 500 million sales a day. If this amount is desirable we would then run your commercials on TV. You make the 500 million sales and then you pay us as agreed. If you do not make the 500 million sales your commercials run for free.




